Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Heavy hearted

My heart feels so heavy and sad today. 

I've done a lot of soul searching as of late and my visit to Farm Sanctuary again this year really made me realize that while I love the work that I do now, my true passion, my calling, is to work with animals. To work toward the protection of animals. Toward speaking to others about the importance of treating animals with love and respect. And while I am still feeling committed to making this change in my life, my heart feels so heavy today with so many things I have read.

Just this week alone, I have read about a sweet dog being shot point blank in the face, have seen a picture of a puppy with a plastic bag over his head, the discovery of 12 starving horses, animals at zoos being starved and neglected.  The list is endless and it just makes me feel so incredibly sad.

What has happened to us as a society where any of this is okay, is acceptable? Have we truly become so greedy, so focused on ourselves, that we disregard living, breathing, sentient beings because they are simply in the way of our end goal? How dare we? Who do we think we are?

It's moments like these when I feel so discouraged, so sickened, that it seems like fighting for animal rights and protection is a battle that can never be won.  How many petitions, how many walks, how many conversations will it take for people to realize that our fundamental hope is for animals to be treated with kindness, gentleness and respect? In a perfect world, animals would no longer be used for food, for clothing, for entertainment. I do my very best to live my life in a way that reflects that wish. But I have long since realized this will never be a perfect world. 

Is it truly too much to ask that the cow that produces your next hamburger, the pig that produces those slices of bacon and the lamb that produces that wool coat, among the millions of other sacrificing their lives, be given compassion.  I guess for some it is too much to ask as that would mean stepping beyond yourself, for one instant, imagining what those animals have gone through and making the decision that you will not be a part of that cruelty. How shameful.

For those who do not make that choice, I choose to do more. To be a louder, stronger voice for those animals who are so easily disregarded. While my heart is heavy now, I know that I can shift that energy into something positive, into making my resolve and dedication to animals that much stronger. I may feel defeated today but will not allow myself to feel that way tomorrow or the day after.  Every animal deserves better and for those who won't do anything, I must do more.

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